Okoth Douglas

Okoth Douglas

Who governs the Internet?

  Internet is a public network that allows access to a number of users globally with no time and location limitations It is commonly referred to us an information superhighway because it is assumed that any information can be acquired from…

Rethinking banking for microfinance

Rethinking banking Development experts, entrepreneurs, social activists and academicians from around the world have been drawing lessons about retail banking of microfinance on four accounts: How micro lenders’ risks are compensated How information problems of microlenders are addressed How microfinance…

The Grameen Bank of Bangladesh

 Grameen means “rural” or “village” in the Bangla language  Economic theory provides ample caution against lending to low-income households that lack collateral to secure the loans. The concept of effective demand, as applied to the theory of demand and supply,…

Origins of Microfinance

Microfinance has defined the methodology that employs effective collateral substitutes to deliver and recover short-term working capital loans to microentrepreneurs. The emergence of microfinance was a result of the poor performance of government programs set up in the 1960s and…

Fishers Quantity theory of Money Demand

This theory was postulated by  Irving Fisher an American Economist in his book ‘The Purchasing Power of Money’  in the year 1911. This theory of money demand is classified under the classical theory of money demand In this theory of…

Monetary Policy and Economic Growth

Economic growth implies the expansion in productive capacity or capital stock in the economy so that an increase in real national output or income is attained. Economic growth can be speeded up by accelerating the rate of saving and investment…

Functions of Money

Money is defined as anything performing monetary functions. It must also be generally acceptable to every member of society. money has a value to individual X only when he thinks that individual Y will accept it in exchange for goods…

Conflicting Objectives of Monetary Policy

Some of the objectives of monetary policy seem to be conflicting and mutually contradictory Full Employment and Balance of Payment Equilibrium – Similarly while maximizing domestic employment and economic growth, a balance of payment deficit is bound to emerge. With…

Objectives of Monetary Policy

It is important to understand the distinction between objectives or goals, targets and instruments of monetary policy Goals   of monetary policy refer to the objectives (price stability, economic growth or full employment) while targets refer to variables such as the…