Internet is a public network that allows access to a number of users globally with no time and location limitations
- It is commonly referred to us an information superhighway because it is assumed that any information can be acquired from the internet and can be added to the internet websites. it can also be defined as a wide area network (WAN) that enables organizations and individuals to communicate globally.
Internet governance
- No one “owns” the internet, and it has no formal management organization per se. however, worldwide internet policies are established by a number of different organizations and government bodies including the following;
- The Internet Architecture Board (IAB) helps define the overall structure of the internet.
- The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), assigns IP addresses.
- The Internet Network Information Center (InterNIC), was created by the united states of America department of internet
- The Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG), oversees standards settings with respect to the internet
- The Internet Engineering Task Force (EITF), forecasts the next step in the growth of the internet, keeping watch over its evolution and operation.
- The Internet Society (ISOC), is a consortium of corporations, government agencies and nonprofit organizations that monitors internet policies and practices
- The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), sets Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and other programming standards for the Web. A consortium is an association of two or more individuals, companies, organizations or governments (or any combination of these entities) with the objective of participating in a common activity
Although none of these organizations has actual control over the internet and how it functions, they can and do influence government agencies, major network owners, and internet service providers (ISPs). in addition to these professional bodies, the technical infrastructures that exist within the nation-state. although in the early years of the internet and the Web very little legislative or executive interferences occurred, this situation is changing as the internet plays a growing role in the distribution of information and knowledge including content that some find objectionable.
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