Have you at some point in time ever downloaded an app from google play store or apple store? If yes have you ever realised that most times you have to accept terms and conditions to enable you to use the app.

In accepting the terms and conditions of an app you enter into a binding legal agreement between you and the mobile app provider control and authority and at times the authority involves collecting personal data on your use of the app which results in big data which could be used to define ads that one is shown, prediction patterns of behaviour, demographics and trends in tastes and preferences.  Do we ever read and understand the terms and conditions before we click “agree”? Someone does.…. How do apps handle our private information? How safe is our personal information?

   Privacy of information is defined as the right of every individual to know what kind of personal information is stored, has to be provided by any archival and records management solution.

 Practical methods to hinder and track the illegal use of personal information have to be integrated in computer solutions. Different legal standards, rules and regulations have to be harmonized to secure the basic citizens’ rights.

Most countries have come up with what is referred to as the “Data Protection Principles” which comes up with a guideline on how personal data should be handled.

First Principle

Personal data shall be obtained and processed fairly and lawfully and, in particular, shall not be processed unless the data subject has given consent to the processing. This principle is important for the following reasons:

  • The processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party to
  • For taking of steps at the request of the data subject with a view to entering into a contract
  • The processing is necessary to comply with any legal obligation to which the data controller is subject, other than an obligation imposed by contract
  • The processing is necessary in order to protect the vital interests of the data subject

Second Principle

Personal data shall be obtained only for one or more specified and lawful purposes, and shall not be further processed in any manner incompatible with that purpose or those purposes.

Third Principle

Personal data shall be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purpose or purposes for which they are processed

Fourth Principle

Personal data shall be accurate and, where necessary kept up to date

Fifth Principle

Personal data processed for any purpose or purposes shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for that purpose or those purposes

Sixth Principle

Personal data shall be processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects

Seventh Principle

Appropriate technical and organizational measures shall be taken against unauthorized or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data

Eighth Principle

Personal data shall not be transferred to a country or territory outside the originating country unless that country or territory ensures an adequate level of protection for the rights and freedoms of data subjects in relation to the processing of personal data.

For data to be covered by the principles it must fall into one of the following categories:

  • Be being processed automatically
  • Recorded for automatic processing
  • Stored in a structured way so that specific information about an individual can be accessed

The principles apply to any operation carried on the data and it includes:

  • Data collection
  • Storage
  • Access and use
  • Editing
  • Deletion

Do you know whether your personal data is safe online? let me know in the comment section.


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