3 Main Reasons Why Students Don’t Finish Studies

Article contributed by MIKE MUTINDA

Kenya is a country in Eastern Africa with several universities and tertiary colleges . Kenya makes use of the 8-4-4 education system which of course produces qualified graduates in different sectors ,. Each degree in Kenyan universities have a minimum requirement from the cluster points as from the KCSE grade attained in high school. You will bear me a witness that many students who joined university ended up not graduating.  The following could be reasons

Inadequate school fees. Lack of school fees have being a big block in the Kenyan education sector not only in campus but also at  primary and secondary levels .In campus many of the students are from poor backgrounds and barely raise their school fees. In most of the universities there is a rule of not taking exams without clearing fees which leaves most of the students with no option but deferments or even dropping out.

High standards of living in the urban areas. Most of the Kenyan universities are located in the urban centers and there proves to be extra expensive as compared to the rural areas where most of the students come from .Many cases have being reported of students going days without meals due to poverty .Many of the students end up dropping out school to look for jobs so as to afford basic needs. The governments of Kenya have tried to fight this through the higher education loans board (HELB) loans but not with much success

-Students ignorance on their academics. Many students do not take their academic life in campus serious. This automatically calls for failure in exams and eventually poor grades. Kenyan universities offer supplementary exams for those who fail in the main exams. Some students opt to accumulate their supplementary papers and they can no longer sort them out. There is no graduation without passing all the exams so these unserious students end up not graduating.

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