Category Economy

Importance of a Business Plan

A business plan is a document that is prepared by an entrepreneur for the purpose of defining and explaining the business activity, its requirements in terms of money, labor and equipment as well as the goals the business intends to…

Perfect competition market structure

Pure perfect competition is a market structure characterized by a large number of buyers and sellers of a homogenous products Each buyer and seller have no influence over the market price and output Information is available freely to all market…

Adam Smith Theory

The Theory In explaining Adam Smith’s theory of economic development, the concepts of Laissez-faire, division of labour, and capital accumulation are important. Laissez –faire Adam Smith’s theory is based on the principle of laissez-faire, where the economy is free from…

Overview of classical economist

Classical school of thought rose after the mercantilist doctrine and were famous for attacking and successfully refuting it. Classical economics is really the start of economics as we know it.  They did not have a macroeconomic theory as such, but…

Economic Growth vs Economic Development

Economic Growth: The term economic growth refers to the quantitative aspect of economic progress of a country. According to Paul Baron, “Economic growth may be defined as an increase over time in per capita output of material goods.” In other…

Public choice theory

Public choice theory is also known as political economy It involves the use of economic analysis to analyses various political phenomenon such as voters, party behavior and actions of the government Political economy involves the study of non-market decision making…

What is government failure

Government failure is also known as non-market failure. Government intervention causes a more inefficient allocation of goods and resources that would not occur without that intervention Government failure occurs when its intervention in allocation of resources is not pareto optimal,…